Colorado AI Virtual Summit

avatar for Sam Agoos

Sam Agoos

Company Colorado Department of Education
Position Science Content Specialist
Location La Veta, CO


avatar for Heather Baskin

Heather Baskin

Heather currently serves as the Assistant Director of Gifted Education for the Colorado Department of Education. Prior to joining the Colorado Department of Education in September of this year, she served as the director of Gifted Education for Mesa County Schools.
Company CDE
Position Assistant Director, Office of Gifted Education




avatar for Bridget Cahill

Bridget Cahill

Company Westminster Public Schools
Position Competency Based Support Coordinator



DeLilah Collins

Title II Part D Coordinator; E-rate Coordinator, Colorado



Karina Delaney

Company APS
Position Social Worker
Location 585 Salida WAy, CO


avatar for Vicki Dreyer

Vicki Dreyer

Company CMSD12
Position Instructional Support Specialist


avatar for Jessica Evans

Jessica Evans

Digital Learning Academy (DLA) is an online learning experience design and development business specializing in creating high-quality online learning and training experiences for individuals, small businesses, companies, and professional organizations. Our expertise lies in designing and developing innovative and effective online learning programs tailored to our client's unique needs. By combining the latest instructional design techniques with cutting-edge technology, we are able to create engaging and interactive online learning experiences that deliver measurable results. Whether developing... Read more
Company Digital Learning Academy
Position Instructional Designer | Learning Experience Designer


avatar for Katie Gallagher

Katie Gallagher

Company Gunnison Watershed School District
Position Teaching/Learning Specialist


avatar for Abi Paytoe Gbayee

Abi Paytoe Gbayee

Company NAEA Pacific Region VP
Position University of Northern Colorado Assistant Professor
Location Greeley, CO


avatar for Andrew Gitner

Andrew Gitner

Andrew has taught English in Jefferson County Colorado since 2014. After teaching at a charter school for 3 years, Andrew Gitner was extremely insecure when he first got the job at Golden. He was convinced he would be fired at any minute for any reason because, you know, charter drama. This insecurity pushed him to learn a ton of skills, pedagogies, and possibilities for teaching with technology, serve as an instructional leader in his building, and do a variety of other things. Now, he's part of Jeffco's Ed Tech Team, where he specializes in applying AI strategies to classroom practice. Basically... Read more
Company Jeffco Public Schools
Position Jeffco Ed Tech Specialist
Location Jefferson County, CO




avatar for Will Harris

Will Harris

The purpose of my position is to establish and uphold a culture that embraces innovative teaching and learning. My responsibilities include successful integration of technology resources and proven practices to increase student achievement through effective technology integration and innovative teaching and learning.
Company Eagle County Schools
Position EdTech Specialist
Location Vail Valley


avatar for Thomas Hartman

Thomas Hartman

Careers in Colorado.org
Company Colorado Workforce Development Council
Position Senior Consultant



Brad Hinson

Company CU Denver School of Education & Human Development
Position Assistant Dean



David Jarboe

Company HSD2
Position Executive Director
Location Harrison 2


avatar for Raymond Johnson

Raymond Johnson

Come learn more about the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CCTM) and the Colorado Math Leaders (CML), our state's two primary organizations focused on the learning, teaching, and leading of PK-12 mathematics.
Company Colorado Department of Education
Position Mathematics Specialist


avatar for Katherine Keegan

Katherine Keegan

Company Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
Position Director, Office of Future of Work



Richard Kendall

Company Douglas County School District
Position Principal
Location Roxborough Primary


avatar for Bill Kottenstette

Bill Kottenstette

Hello! I am the Executive Director of the Schools of Choice Unit at the Colorado Department of Education. In this role, I support a team that works with public school choice options like charter schools, innovation schools, and blended and online learning. We also manage public inquiries related to homeschool, private school, and inter-/intra-district choice.
Prior to joining CDE, I worked as the Executive Director of Compass Montessori, which is a unique P-12 network of charter schools known for being one of the only fully-articulated P-12 public Montessori programs in the country. In this role, I always valued the support we received from CDE as we worked to find ways to effectively implement many of our unique design elements. These included things like: mixed-age classrooms, competency-based learning, high school internship programs, and farm-to-table food service. I always valued the support we received from CDE, and was thrilled with the opportunity... Read more
Company CDE - Schools of Choice
Position Executive Director
Location Denver, CO


avatar for Thanh Le

Thanh Le

Company Montebello High
Position Teacher
Location Montebello, CA



Shawn Luskey

Position Teacher
Location Harrison 2


avatar for Andrea MacFarlane

Andrea MacFarlane

Company Academy District 20
Position Digital Learning/Instructional Coach, HS Librarian/Innovation Specialist
Location Rampart High School


avatar for Rhonda Padilla

Rhonda Padilla

Company San Juan BOCES School to Work Alliance Program
Position SWAP Specialist


avatar for Eve Pugh

Eve Pugh

Company Kiowa/ECBOCES


avatar for Gin Randolph

Gin Randolph

Implementing topics into Online learning for the longterm, not in response to Covid-19
Company Colorado Digital Learning Solutions & Uncompahgre BOCES
Position Assistant Director of Technology
Location Colorado


avatar for Lisle Reed

Lisle Reed

Lisle Reed, Whole Child Initiatives Coordinator, Adams 12 Five Star Schools - Lisle Reed is the Whole Child Initiatives Coordinator for Adams 12 Five Star Schools. She started her public service in the U.S. Navy as a Chinese Linguist and Training Coordinator. After honorable discharge, Lisle discovered a passion for working with youth and spent eight years in Mapleton Public Schools as a Social Studies teacher and a K-8 Assistant Principal. She currently oversees the Student and Family Outreach Program, McKinney-Vento Homeless Education, Child Welfare Education, Migrant Education, Refugee/Evacuee... Read more
Company Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Position Whole Child Initiatives Coordinator
Location Thornton, CO



Helen Robbins

Company SVVSD
Position District Librarian


avatar for Kelly Sain

Kelly Sain

Company Thompson School District
Position Chief Technology Officer
Location Loveland



Julie Shue

Position Incoming Superintendent - Stratton
Location Stratton, CO



Lindsay Swanton

Company CDE, Office of CLDE

Colorado AI Virtual Summit
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